Service Description : Window display advertising is a gr... Window display advertising is a great way to increase foot traffic to your business. By arranging sculpture pieces, sign age, props, posters, decorations, and scenic fabrications at your store front.Qemat Alehtraf creates a display that is sure to attract the attention of potential customers. Our large-scale sculptures are designed to replicate your brand's logo or mascot to effectively showcase your business. We sculpt in a number of different materials such as wood and metal but specialize in Styrofoam, which is 100% recyclable. We ensure advertising is successful by creating a display that is eye-catching and relevant to your products or services. We work directly with you from design to final product so we eliminate the need for any third party to prolong the process. Therefore, it is feasible to change your window display on a regular basis, which is important so that customers always have something new to look at. With a little creativity, you can use window display advertising to give your business a competitive edge.